(Beta) Couchbase connector

The Couchbase connector is in beta. See the Sources overview for more information on using beta-labeled connectors.

Adobe Experience Platform provides native connectivity for database providers like Microsoft, MySQL, and Azure, allowing you to bring your data from these systems. Different types of third-party databases are supported, including relational, NoSQL, or data warehouses. Support for database providers includes Couchbase.

IP address allow list

A list of IP addresses must be added to an allow list prior to working with source connectors. Failing to add your region-specific IP addresses to your allow list may lead to errors or non-performance when using sources. See the IP address allow list page for more information.

The documentation below provides information on how to connect Couchbase to Platform using APIs or the user interface:

Connect Couchbase to Platform using APIs

Connect Couchbase to Platform using the UI
