Reporting step events to Adobe Experience Platform

Understand what journey step events and data steps are and how to explore them.

Hello, I am about to show you the reporting feature in journeys that automatically sends each step event to the Adobe Experience Platform.
Here in a journey, you can see on my screen that each node or transition between each node is a step in the journey. So if I start at ColorTestEvent and go to this condition, that is a step in a journey. This feature takes each step and sends data to the Experience Platform for you to later combine with other data sets that you may have on platform.
When I click over to the Experience Platform, you’ll see three data sets here that are automatically generated and populated by journey orchestration. The first one, Journey Step Events is a collection of those steps that are taken by an individual. You’ll see here this data is streamed in real time and can take up to 15 minutes to show up in the data lake to be ingested. This data appears in Experience Platform and can be queried using the query service. So customers can take your favorite BI tool and look at this data combined with, say your analytics data set, or an offline transaction data set. This allows you to see the impact of your journeys to those events that may be downstream. These other two data sets are used for looking at an individual profile and using that profile to look at behavior and a lookup table of journey metadata information. You can find descriptions of each field in the journey’s help documentation that will tell you what each field means in these schemas. You can also explore the schemas yourself in the platform and see the descriptions for each one listed. Here I’ll expand our stepEvents object, and you can see things like actionName.
This is something that is taken from the label of the action that you put inside of the canvas.
The same applies for stepName.
Hope this opens up your analysis to more possibilities. -

See Journey step sharing overview for more information.
