Using segment qualification events

A segment qualification event allows your journey to listen to the entrances and exits of profiles in Adobe Experience Platform segments. This event type is used to make individuals enter or move forward in a journey.

Example use cases could be:

  • A journey is triggered for a mobile service customer, when they exceed their data limit
  • When a customer reached a new loyalty segment or drops out of a loyalty segment

This video gives you a brief introduction on where to configure segments and how to configure a Segment Qualification event in a journey.

I’m excited to share with you a few features we added to Journey Orchestration, that ties it closer to the Adobe Experience platform, and leverages segmentation that you have created there. So let’s start here on the Journeys homepage, where you can see a new navigation item here, called Segments. This capability allows you to create a Segment from Journey Orchestration. So if I click on that here, I can go ahead and see all of the Segments that have been created for this instance. So you’ll see a few samples here, or I could create my own, by clicking Add. This will bring up the Segment Builder, and allow you to build a Segment, based off of what you have in the Experience platform.
Another feature is when you are creating a Journey, you can actually use Segment Qualification as a triggering event. So here in the left-hand pane, you’ll see that I have a Segment Qualification event. So let’s say my Journey here is based around users who have Entered the data overage segment.
So here, I’ll take this Segment Qualification event, drop it on the Canvas, give this a label to say Data Overage Segment, and I will select that Segment here, from the list.
So that was Multiple Data Overages. Let’s pick that one and save it to the Canvas. You can pick either Entry to the segment or Exit from the segment as the event. Also, you need to specify a Namespace or identity that will be used to find the user in the platform, after we get the Segment Qualification event.
So once that’s complete, this Segment Qualification event will occur, and trigger the Journey. The frequency at which this happens is based on when you make the Segment, and what kind of Segment it is. Read more about this feature in the help documentation to find out the behavior of the Segment Qualifications. -

For more information, see Segment qualification events.
