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Mobile app acquisition

Acquisition links with unique tracking codes can be generated in Adobe Mobile services. When a user downloads and runs an app from the Apple App Store after clicking on the generated link, the SDK automatically collects and sends the acquisition data to Adobe Mobile services.

To use Acquisition, you must have SDK version 4.1 or later.

Acquisition links must be created in Adobe Mobile services. For more information, see Acquisition.

The information in this section allow the SDK to send acquisition data from an acquisition link.

Tracking mobile app acquisition

  1. Add the library to your project and implement lifecycle.

    For more information, see Add the SDK and Config File to your Project in Core Implementation and Lifecycle.

  2. Import the library:

    #import "ADBMobile.h"
  3. Verify that the ADBMobileConfig.json file contains the required acquisition settings:

    "acquisition": { 
       "server": "", 
       "appid": "0652024f-adcd-49f9-9bd7-2552a4565d2f" 
    "analytics": { 
      "referrerTimeout": 5, 

    Important: If you are sending data to multiple report suites, use the acquisition settings (acquisition server and appid) from the app that is associated with the first report suite in your list of report suite IDs.

    The acquisition settings are generated by Adobe Mobile services and should not be changed. For more information about how to download a customized ADBMobileConfig.json file with the acquisition settings pre-configured, see Before You Start.

After these settings are enabled, acquisition data is sent automatically with the initial lifecycle call after the initial launch of the app.

Caution: referrerTimeout must be set to a value higher than 0 to enable app acquisition.

Enabling your iOS app for Universal Links

If you are using Universal Links in your app, add your Adobe Marketing Links domain to the Associated Domains list for your app.

In Xcode, to add your Adobe Marketing Links domain to the Associated Domains list:

  1. Go to your project target and click the Capabilities tab.
  2. Scroll down to Associated Domains section and toggle it on.
  3. Add an entry in the Domains list for your Marketing Links domain from your Marketing Links URL.

Your entry will look something like