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ADBMobile JSON config

This information helps you use the ADBMobile.json config file.

ADBMobileConfig.json config file reference

The same config file can be used for your app across multiple platforms:

Tip: On iOS, the ADBMobileConfig.json file can be placed anywhere that it is accessible in your bundle.

  • acquisition

    Enables mobile app acquisition.

    If this section is missing, enable Mobile App acquisition and download the SDK configuration file again. For more information, see referrerTimeout below.

    • server - Acquisition server that is checked at the initial launch for an acquisition referrer.
    • appid - Generated ID that uniquely identifies this app on the acquisition server.
    • Minimum SDK version: 4.1
  • analyticsForwardingEnabled

    The property in the audienceManager object. If Audience Manager is configured and analyticsForwardingEnabled is set to true, all Analytics traffic is also forwarded to Audience Manager. The default value is false.

    • Minimum SDK version: 4.8.0
  • backdateSessionInfo

    Enables/disables the ability for the Adobe SDK to backdate session info hits.

    Session info hits currently consist of crashes and session length and can be enabled or disabled.

    • If you set the value to false, the hits are disabled.

      The SDK returns to its pre-4.1 behavior of lumping the session information for the previous session with the first hit of the subsequent session. The Adobe SDK also attaches the session info to the current lifecycle, which avoids the creation of an inflated visit. Because inflated visits are no longer created, an immediate drop in visit counts occurs.

    • If you do not provide a value, the default value is true, and hits are enabled.

      When the hits are enabled, the Adobe SDK backdates the session info hit to 1 second after the final hit in the previous session. This means that crash and session data will correlate with the correct date on which they occurred. One side effect is that the SDK might create a visit for the backdated hit. One hit is backdated on every new launch of the application.

    • Minimum SDK version: 4.6

    Important: Backdated session hit information is sent in a session info server call, and additional server calls might apply.

  • batchLimit

    Threshold for number of hits to be sent in consecutive calls. For example, if batchLimit is set to 10, each hit before the 10th hit will be stored in the queue. Once the 10th hit comes in, all 10 hits will be sent consecutively.

    • Default value is 0, which means that batching is not enabled.
    • Requires offlineEnabled = true.
    • Minimum SDK version: 4.1
  • charset

    Defines the character set that you are using for the data that is sent to Analytics. The charset is used to convert incoming data into UTF-8 for storage and reporting. For more information, see the charSet variable in the Adobe Analytics documentation.

    • Minimum SDK version: 4.0
  • clientCode

    Your assigned client code.

    Important: This variable is required by Target.

    • Minimum SDK version: 4.0
  • coopUnsafe

    For Device Co-op members who require this value be set to true, you need to work with the Co-op team to request a blocklist flag on your Device Co-op account. There is no self-service path to enabling these flags.

    Remember the following information:

    • When coopUnsafe is set to true, coop_unsafe=1 will always be appended to Audience Manager and Visitor ID hits.
    • If you enable Analytics server-side forwarding to Audience Manager, you will also see coop_unsafe=1 on Analytics hits.

    Here is some additional information:

    • Minimum SDK version: 4.16.1
    • The Boolean property of the marketingCloud object that, when set to true, causes the device to be opted-out of the Experience Cloud's Device Co-Op.
    • Default value is false.
    • This setting is used only for Device Co-op provisioned customers.
  • environmentId

    The ID of the environment you want to use. You can specify a valid ID (environmentId=8), and if environmentId is not included, the default Production environment is used.

    • Minimum SDK version: 4.14
  • lifecycleTimeout

    Default value is 300 seconds.

    Specifies the length of time, in seconds, that must elapse between the time the app launches but before the launch is considered to be a new session. This timeout also applies when your application is sent to the background and reactivated. The time that your app spends in the background is not included in the session length.

    • Minimum SDK version: 4.0
  • messages

    Generated automatically by Adobe Mobile services, defines the settings for in-app messaging. For more information, see the Messages Description section below.

    • Minimum SDK version: 4.2
  • offlineEnabled

    When enabled, hits are queued while the device is offline and sent later when the device is online. Your report suite must be timestamp-enabled to use offline tracking. The default value is false.

    Here is some important information:

    • If timestamps are enabled on your report suite, your offlineEnabled configuration property must be true.

    • If your report suite is not timestamp enabled, your offlineEnabled configuration property must be false.

      If this is not configured correctly, data will be lost. If you are not sure if a report suite is timestamp enabled, contact Customer Care or download the configuration file from Adobe Mobile services. If you are currently reporting AppMeasurement data to a report suite that also collects data from JavaScript, you might need to set up a separate report suite for mobile data or include a custom timestamp on all JavaScript hits that use the s.timestamp variable.

    • Minimum SDK version: 4.0

  • org

    Specifies the Experience Cloud org ID for the Adobe Experience Platform Identity Service.

    • Minimum SDK version: 4.3
  • poi

    Each POI array holds the POI name, latitude, longitude, and radius (in meters) for the area of the point. The POI name can be any string. When a trackLocation call is sent, if the current coordinates are in a defined POI, a context data variable is populated and sent with the trackLocation call.

    • Minimum SDK version: 4.0
    "poi" [ 

    Tip: Starting in version 4.2, POIs are defined in the Adobe Mobile interface and synchronized dynamically to the app configuration file. This synchronization requires the analytics.poi setting:

    "analytics.poi": "`…/yourfile.json`",

    If this setting is not configured, the ADBMobile.json file must be updated to include this line. To download an updated configuration file, see Before you start.

  • postback

    The definition for the "callback" message template is shown below:

        "templateurl":"",//required- will be token-expanded prior to being sent
        "templatebody":"", //optional-if this length > 0 POST will be used as transport method. This is a base-64 encoded blob,which will be decoded and token-expanded prior to being sent.
        "contenttype":"", //optional-if this is length > 0 and POST type is selected, this will be set as the Content-Typeheader. if this is not supplied for a POST request,the default will be "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
        "timeout": 0 //optional-number of seconds to wait before timingout.Defaultis2.}

    The payload object in the code is an example payload for a message definition that would go in the ADBMobileConfig.json file. For more information, see Postbacks.

    • Minimum SDK version: 4.6
  • privacyDefault

    • For optedin, the hits are sent immediately.

    • For optedout, the hits are discarded.

    • For optunknown, if your report suite is timestamp-enabled, hits are saved until the privacy status changes to opt-in (hits are sent) or opt-out (hits are discarded).

      If your report suite is not timestamp-enabled, hits are discarded until the privacy status changes to opt in.

      This only sets the initial value. If this value is set or changed in code, the new value is used until it is changed again, or when the app is uninstalled and reinstalled. The default value is optedin.

    • Minimum SDK version: 4.0

  • referrerTimeout

    Number of seconds the SDK waits for acquisition referrer data on the initial launch before timing out. If you are using acquisition, we recommend a 5-second timeout.

    Important: This variable is required by Acquisition. If the variable is set to 0, or is not included, the SDK does not wait for acquisition data, and acquisition metrics are not tracked.

    • Minimum SDK version: 4.1
  • remotes

    Configured automatically and defines the Adobe-hosted endpoints for dynamic configuration files. The last update time of each configuration file is checked against the current version at each launch, and the updates are downloaded and saved.

    • analytics.poi is the endpoint for hosted POI configuration.

    • messages is the endpoint for hosted in-app message configuration.

    • Minimum SDK version: 4.2

  • rsids

    One or more report suites to receive Analytics data. Multiple report suite IDs should be comma-separated with no space between.

    "rsids": "rsid"
    "rsids" : "rsid1,rsid2" 

    Important: This variable is required by Analytics.

    • Minimum SDK version: 4.0
  • server

    The Analytics or Audience Management server, based on the parent node.

    This variable should be populated with the server domain, without an https:// or https:// protocol prefix. This prefix is handled automatically by the library and is based on the ssl variable.

    If ssl is true, a secure connection is made to this server. If ssl is false, a non-secure connection is made to this server.

    Important: This variable is required by Analytics and/or Audience Management.

    • Minimum SDK version: 4.0
  • ssl

    Important: Starting version 4.10.0, SSL defaults to true if the flag is not set.

    Enables (true) or disables (false) the ability to send measurement data by using SSL (HTTPS).

    The definition for the "callback" message template is shown below:

        "templateurl":"",//required-will be token-expanded prior to being sent
        "templatebody":"",//optional-if this length > 0, POST will be used as transport method. This is a base64 encoded blob,which will be decoded and token-expanded prior to being sent.
        "contenttype":"",//optional-if this is length > 0 and POST type is selected this will be set as the Content-Typeheader. if this is not supplied for a POST request,the default will be "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"

    The payload object in the code is an sample payload for a message definition that goes in the ADBMobileConfig.json file. For more information, see Postbacks.

    • Minimum SDK version: 4.0
  • timeout

    Determines how long Target waits for a response.

    • Minimum SDK version: 4.0

Sample ADBMobileConfig.json file

Here is a sample ADBMobileConfig.json file:

    "version": "2014-08-05T19:18:28.169Z", 
    "marketingCloud" : { 
        "org": "016D5C175213CCA80A490D05@AdobeOrg", 
        "coopUnsafe": false 
    "target": { 
        "clientCode": "", 
        "timeout": 5, 
        "environmentId": 8 
    "audienceManager": { 
        "server": "", 
        "analyticsForwardingEnabled": false 
    "acquisition": { 
        "server": "", 
        "appid": "10a77a60192fbb628376e1b1daeeb65debf934e2c807e067ceb2963a41b165ee" 
    "analytics": { 
        "rsids": "coolApp", 
        "server": "", 
        "ssl": true, 
        "offlineEnabled": true, 
        "charset": "UTF-8", 
        "lifecycleTimeout": 300, 
        "privacyDefault": "optedin", 
        "batchLimit": 0, 
        "referrerTimeout": 5, 
        "poi": [ 
            ["san francisco",37.757144,-122.44812,7000],  
            ["santa cruz",36.972935,-122.01725,600] 
    "messages": [ 
            "messageId": "cb426565-a563-497a-a889-9dbeb451f8ae", 
            "template": "fullscreen", 
            "payload": { 
                 "html": "<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset=\"utf-8\" /><title></title><style></style></head><body><iframe src=\"\" frameborder=\"0\"></iframe></body></html>"
            "showOffline": false,
            "showRule": "always",
            "endDate": 2524730400,
            "startDate": 0,
            "audiences": [],
            "triggers": [
                    "key": "pev2",
                    "matches": "eq",
                    "values": [
    "remotes": {
        "analytics.poi": "",
        "messages": ""

Messages description

The messages node is generated automatically by Adobe Mobile services and typically does not need to be manually changed. The following description is provided for troubleshooting purposes:

  • "messageId"

    • Generated ID, required
  • "template"

    • "alert", "fullscreen", or "local"
    • required
  • "payload"

    • "html"

      • fullscreen template only, required
      • html defining the message
    • "image"

      • fullscreen only, optional
      • url to the image to be used for a fullscreen image
    • "altImage"

      • fullscreen only, optional
      • name of the bundled image to use if the url specified in image is unreachable
    • "title"

      • fullscreen and alert, required
      • title text for a fullscreen or alert message
    • "content"

      • alert and local notification, required
      • sub-text for an alert message, or notification text for a local notification message
    • "confirm"

      • alert, optional
      • text used in the confirm button
    • "cancel"

      • alert, required
      • text used in the cancel button
    • "url"

      • alert, optional
      • url action to load if the confirm button is clicked
    • "wait"

      • local notification, required
      • amount of time to wait (in seconds) to post the local notification after matching its criteria
  • "showOffline"

    • true or false
    • default is false
  • "showRule"

    • "always", "once", or "untilClick"
    • required
  • "endDate"

    • number of seconds since Jan 1, 1970
    • default is 2524730400
  • "startDate"

    • number of seconds since Jan 1, 1970
    • default is 0
  • "audiences"

    An array of objects that defines how the message should be shown:

    • "key"

      Variable name to look for in the hit, and it is required.

    • "matches"

      Type of matcher used when doing the comparison:

      • eq = equals
      • ne = does not equal
      • co = contains
      • nc = does not contain
      • sw = starts with
      • ew = ends with
      • ex = exists
      • nx = does not exist
      • lt = less than
      • le = less than or equals
      • gt = greater than
      • ge = greater than or equals
    • "values"

      An array of values used to match against the value of the variable named in the following:

      • key
      • with the matcher type in
      • matches
  • "triggers"

    Same as audiences, but here are the actions instead of the audience:

    • "key"
    • "matches"
    • "values"