Push notifications

Mobile Services allows you to send push notifications to Adobe Analytics segments. In Places Service, you can segment the audience for your push message by using their historical interactions with your POIs. For example, you can send a message to users who have been in one of your stores in the last 30 days.

Before you begin, ensure that you have completed the following tasks:

  • Places Service data has been processed by Adobe Analytics.

    This means that your mobile app has successfully sent Places Service data into a Report Suite and that the data is available for segmentation.

  • The push notification channel in Mobile Services is set up.

    For more information, see Create a push message.

  • Understand how to send a push notification to an Analytics segment in Mobile Services.

    For more information, see Create a push message.

Send a notification

On the Audience tab of the Create push notification workflow, you can create the audience for this message in one of the following ways:

  • In the Analytics Segments drop-down list, select a previously created Adobe Analytics segment.

  • In the Custom Segment section, build an audience by using the available custom segment parameters.

setting up a push message
