Query APIs

A GET method that allows you to query the POIs that are closest to the caller.


GET https://query.places.adobe.com/placesedgequery

With the following input, the service returns a list of the POIs that are closest to the caller:

  • The caller’s position (latitude, longitude).

  • The IDs of the POI libraries to be included in the search.

  • The maximum number of POIs to return. The default value is 100.

    The distance between the caller and POI is defined as the distance from the caller to the edge of the POI’s geofence. In the response, POIs that contain the caller will be marked as having the caller.

Arguments are supplied as the following query parameters:

  • (Required) latitude

    The caller’s latitude, which must be between -85 and 85.

  • (Required) longitude

    The caller’s longitude, which must be between -180 and 180.

  • (Optional) limit

    The maximum number of POIs to return.

  • (Required) library

    The ID of the library to query. To query multiple libraries, ensure that you include multiple copies of the library parameter in the query.

Here is an example of the successfully returned JSON format:

    "places": {
        "userWithin": [
                "p": [
                    "poi id",
                    "poi name",
                    "poi center's latitude",
                    "poi center's longitude",
                "x": {
                    "country": "US",
                    "city": "Fremont",
                    "street": "Vineyard Heights",
                    "Color": "Blue",
                    "state": "CA",
                    <other POI metadata>
        "pois": [
                "p": [
                    "poi id",
                    "poi name",
                    "poi center's latitude",
                    "poi center's longitude",
                "x": {
                    "country": "US",
                    "city": "Milpitas",
                    "street": null,
                    "state": "CA"
                "p": [
                    "poi id",
                    "poi name",
                    "poi center's latitude",
                    "poi center's longitude",
                "x": {
                    "country": "US",
                    "city": "Fremont",
                    "street": null,
                    "state": "CA"

POIs under places.pois are sorted by distance from caller to the edge of the POIs. POIs under places.userWithin contains the caller, and these POIs are ordered by rank and then by increasing radius.

Sample call

Here is an example of the call:

GET https://query.places.adobe.com/placesedgequery?latitude=<userLatitude>&longitude=<userLongitude>&library=<libID1>&library=<libID2>&limit=20