Accessing and Sharing a QA URL
From an activity’s Overview page, click Activity QA.
Configure the following settings:
Match audience rules to see experiences: Sometimes you want to confirm that your audience matching works. Other times you want to check the look and feel of the activity. If this setting is toggled to the “on” position, testers must meet targeting requirements to qualify to see the experiences. For Experience Targeting (XT) activities, a single activity URL is provided. The experience you see is determined by you qualifying for one of the targeting rules.
If this setting is toggled to the “off” position, clicking the links show you the experiences regardless of whether you qualify or not. When performing QA, you can switch back and forth between requiring or not requiring that audience targeting is respected.
Show default content for all other activities: If this option is toggled to the “on” position, default content is shown for all other activities. For example, the preview is shown in isolation without considering all other live activities on the same page/Target request.
If this setting is toggled to “off,” consider the following:
- If there are collisions between the activity you are testing and other live activities, normal priority rules apply. Because of collisions, it is possible you cannot see the activity that you are intending to QA.
- Metrics increment for the viewed activities, but only in the QA reporting environment.
Click Done to save your changes.
Share the activity link URLs with members of your organization for testing.
Activity links never expire and you do not need to resend links if someone changes an activity or experience. However, if you apply a different audience from the Audience Library, rather than simply editing the activity, a new link is generated that you must share again.
Each Activity link URL (for Experience A, Experience B, and so forth) lets you start the user journey from the corresponding experience. Click the URL generated for an experience and then proceed with normal site browsing to see experiences on multiple pages (if multiple pages exist). Only one URL is generated per experience, even if the experience spans multiple pages (template testing or multi-page testing).
You can navigate the site to see the other pages because the Activity QA mode is sticky. This situation is true for at.js implementations with version 2.x or later. For at.js 1.x implementations, this situation is true only if the visitor’s browser doesn’t block third-party cookies.
To see reports generated from activity link URLs, click the activity’s Reports page, click the Settings icon (