Target documentation and resource overview

Adobe Target documentation and resources are provided in multiple formats, including guides for using the Target UI, developers information (including SDKs and APIs), tutorials, community forums, videos, and webinars.

The following guides and resources are available for Target:

Documentation type
Adobe Target product documentation
(This guide)
Overview information, steps, and screenshots focused on interacting with Target through the user interface. This guide outlines all available actions and options including “gotchas” to avoid. This is the most detailed resource for working with the Target UI.
Adobe Target tutorials
Videos and tutorials to help you learn the many components of Target.
Adobe Experience League Target content library
A collection of how-to videos and tutorials highlighting the capabilities of Target available on the Adobe Target Experience League page.
Adobe Experience Platform Target documentation
Information about implementing Target using tags in Adobe Experience Platform, the next-generation tag management platform from Adobe. This is the preferred method to implement Target.
Adobe Customer Care Office Hours
Information about “Office Hours,” an initiative led by the Adobe Customer Care team. These sessions are designed to inform as well as help participants troubleshoot problems, and provide tips and tricks to be successful with the Adobe Experience Cloud solutions, including Target.
Target basics webinar series
Registration information and links to previous sessions of the Target Basics Webinar Series, a Customer Success Webinar Series brought to you by the Community.
Adobe Target Developers Guide
Information about the Adobe Target Developers site helps you implement Target on client-side applications, server-side applications, mobile apps, IoT, and more. You can also export your Target data to third-party solutions.
Target Recommendations APIs
Information about the Recommendations APIs that let you programmatically interact with Target recommendations servers. These APIs can be integrated with a range of application stacks to perform functions that you would typically do via the Target UI.
Server Side Delivery APIs
Information about the resources that make up the Adobe Target Delivery API.
Target Server-Side SDKs
Explains how to deploy Target server side using SDKs.
Adobe Experience Platform Mobile SDKs
Information about implementing Target on mobile apps.

In addition to the above resources, visit the Adobe Experience League Target Community, where you can:

  • Learn more about what Target has to offer
  • Connect with your peers and Adobe experts
  • Vote or submit an idea of your own for a future Target release