Démarrage rapide de l’API Java™ des composants et services (SOAP) components-and-services-java-apiquick-start-soap

Java™ API Quick Start (SOAP) est disponible pour les composants et services.

Démarrage rapide (mode SOAP) : déploiement d’un composant à l’aide de Java

Démarrage rapide (mode SOAP) : définition du contexte d’exécution d’un service à l’aide du Java

Démarrage rapide (mode SOAP) : désactivation de la sécurité des services à l’aide de Java

Démarrage rapide (mode SOAP) : démarrage d’un service à l’aide de Java

Démarrage rapide (mode SOAP) : modification des valeurs de configuration du service à l’aide de Java

Démarrage rapide (mode SOAP) : suppression des composants à l’aide de Java

Les opérations AEM Forms peuvent être effectuées à l’aide de l’API fortement typée dʼAEM Forms et le mode de connexion doit être défini sur SOAP.

Vous ne pouvez pas manipuler par programmation les composants et services à l’aide de services web.
Les démarrages rapides de la programmation avec AEM forms sont basés sur le serveur Forms déployé sur JBoss® et le système d’exploitation Windows. Cependant, si vous utilisez un autre système d’exploitation, comme UNIX®, remplacez les chemins spécifiques à Windows par les chemins pris en charge par le système d’exploitation approprié. De même, si vous utilisez un autre serveur d’applications J2EE, assurez-vous de spécifier des propriétés de connexion valides. Voir Réglage des propriétés de la connexion.
Si vous disposez d’un composant personnalisé et que vous utilisez des protocoles SOAP ou EJB pour appeler des DSC sur le même serveur local, et que ces appels cessent de fonctionner après une mise à niveau, utilisez la stratégie d’appel interne à la machine virtuelle. Utilisez la stratégie d’appel interne à la machine virtuelle avec ServiceClientFactory par défaut et ne construisez pas ServiceClientFactory à l’aide des protocoles SOAP ou EJB.

Démarrage rapide (mode SOAP) : déploiement d’un composant à l’aide de l’API Java™ quick-start-soap-mode-deploying-a-component-using-the-java-api

L’exemple Java™ suivant déploie un composant basé sur un fichier JAR nommé adobe-emailSample-dsc.jar.

        * This Java Quick Start uses the following JAR files
        * 1. adobe-taskmanager-client.jar
        * 2. adobe-livecycle-client.jar
        * 3. adobe-usermanager-client.jar
        * 4. activation.jar (required for SOAP mode)
        * 5. axis.jar (required for SOAP mode)
        * 6. commons-codec-1.3.jar (required for SOAP mode)
        * 7. commons-collections-3.2.jar  (required for SOAP mode)
        * 8. commons-discovery.jar (required for SOAP mode)
        * 9. commons-logging.jar (required for SOAP mode)
        * 10. dom3-xml-apis-2.5.0.jar (required for SOAP mode)
        * 11. jaxen-1.1-beta-9.jar (required for SOAP mode)
        * 12. jaxrpc.jar (required for SOAP mode)
        * 13. log4j.jar (required for SOAP mode)
        * 14. mail.jar (required for SOAP mode)
        * 15. saaj.jar (required for SOAP mode)
        * 16. wsdl4j.jar (required for SOAP mode)
        * 17. xalan.jar (required for SOAP mode)
        * 18. xbean.jar (required for SOAP mode)
        * 19. xercesImpl.jar (required for SOAP mode)
        * The JBoss files must be kept in the jboss\client folder. You can copy the client folder to
        * your local development environment and then include the 3 JBoss JAR files in your class path
        * These JAR files are in the following path:
        * <install directory>/sdk/client-libs/common
        * The adobe-utilities.jar file is in the following path:
        * <install directory>/sdk/client-libs/jboss
        * The jboss-client.jar file is in the following path:
        * <install directory>/jboss/bin/client
        * If you want to invoke a remote Forms Server instance and there is a
        * firewall between the client application and the server, then it is
        * recommended that you use the SOAP mode. When using the SOAP mode,
        * you have to include additional JAR files in the following
        * path
        * <install directory>/sdk/client-libs/thirdparty
        * For information about the SOAP
        * mode and the additional JAR files that need to be included,
        * see "Setting connection properties" in Programming
        * with AEM Forms
 import java.io.FileInputStream;
 import java.util.*;

 import com.adobe.idp.Document;
 import com.adobe.idp.dsc.clientsdk.ServiceClientFactory;
 import com.adobe.idp.dsc.clientsdk.ServiceClientFactoryProperties;
 import com.adobe.idp.dsc.registry.component.client.*;
 import com.adobe.idp.dsc.registry.infomodel.Component;

 public class DeployComponents {

     public static void main(String[] args) {


             //Set connection properties required to invoke AEM Forms
             Properties connectionProps = new Properties();
             connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_DEFAULT_SOAP_ENDPOINT, "https://'[server]:[port]'");
             connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_SERVER_TYPE, "JBoss");
             connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_CREDENTIAL_USERNAME, "administrator");
             connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_CREDENTIAL_PASSWORD, "password");

             //Create a ServiceClientFactory object
             ServiceClientFactory myFactory = ServiceClientFactory.createInstance(connectionProps);

             //Create a ComponentRegistryClient object
             ComponentRegistryClient    componentReg = new ComponentRegistryClient(myFactory);

             //Reference a JAR file that represents the component to deploy
         //    FileInputStream componentFile = new FileInputStream("C:\\Adobe\adobe-emailSample-dsc.jar");

             FileInputStream componentFile = new FileInputStream("C:\\A22\Bank.jar");
             Document component = new Document(componentFile);

             //Install the component
             Component myComponent = componentReg.install(component);

             System.out.println("The component has been deployed");

         catch(Exception e)

Démarrage rapide (mode SOAP) : définition du contexte d’exécution d’un service à l’aide de l’API Java™ quick-start-soap-mode-setting-the-execution-context-of-a-service-using-the-java-api

L’exemple de code Java™ suivant définit le contexte d’exécution Run-As Invoker sur un exemple de service nommé EncryptDocument.

        * This Java Quick Start uses the following JAR files
        * 1. adobe-taskmanager-client.jar
        * 2. adobe-livecycle-client.jar
        * 3. adobe-usermanager-client.jar
        * 4. activation.jar (required for SOAP mode)
        * 5. axis.jar (required for SOAP mode)
        * 6. commons-codec-1.3.jar (required for SOAP mode)
        * 7. commons-collections-3.2.jar  (required for SOAP mode)
        * 8. commons-discovery.jar (required for SOAP mode)
        * 9. commons-logging.jar (required for SOAP mode)
        * 10. dom3-xml-apis-2.5.0.jar (required for SOAP mode)
        * 11. jaxen-1.1-beta-9.jar (required for SOAP mode)
        * 12. jaxrpc.jar (required for SOAP mode)
        * 13. log4j.jar (required for SOAP mode)
        * 14. mail.jar (required for SOAP mode)
        * 15. saaj.jar (required for SOAP mode)
        * 16. wsdl4j.jar (required for SOAP mode)
        * 17. xalan.jar (required for SOAP mode)
        * 18. xbean.jar (required for SOAP mode)
        * 19. xercesImpl.jar (required for SOAP mode)
        * The JBoss files must be kept in the jboss\bin\client folder. You can copy the client folder to
        * your local development environment and then include the 3 JBoss JAR files in your class path
        * These JAR files are in the following path:
        * <install directory>/sdk/client-libs/common
        * If you want to invoke a remote Forms Server instance and there is a
        * firewall between the client application and the server, then it is
        * recommended that you use the SOAP mode. When using the SOAP mode,
        * you have to include additional JAR files in the following
        * path
        * <install directory>/sdk/client-libs/thirdparty
        * For information about the SOAP
        * mode and the additional JAR files that need to be included,
        * see "Setting connection properties" in Programming
        * with AEM Forms
 import java.util.*;

 import com.adobe.idp.dsc.clientsdk.ServiceClientFactory;
 import com.adobe.idp.dsc.clientsdk.ServiceClientFactoryProperties;
 import com.adobe.idp.dsc.registry.infomodel.ServiceConfiguration;
 import com.adobe.idp.dsc.registry.service.ModifyServiceConfigurationInfo;
 import com.adobe.idp.dsc.registry.service.client.ServiceRegistryClient;

     * This Java quick start sets the Run-As Invoker to a service named EncryptDocument
 public class SetRunAsConfiguration {

      public static void main(String[] args) {

         //Set connection properties required to invoke AEM Forms
         Properties connectionProps = new Properties();
         connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_DEFAULT_SOAP_ENDPOINT, "https://'[server]:[port]'");
         connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_SERVER_TYPE, "JBoss");
         connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_CREDENTIAL_USERNAME, "tblue");
         connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_CREDENTIAL_PASSWORD, "password");

         //Create a ServiceRegistryClient object
         ServiceClientFactory _factory = ServiceClientFactory.createInstance(connectionProps);
         ServiceRegistryClient _src = new ServiceRegistryClient(_factory);

         //Reference the EncryptDocument service
         ServiceConfiguration _config  = _src.getHeadActiveConfiguration("EncryptDocument");

         //Set the RUN_AS_INVOKER execution context
         ModifyServiceConfigurationInfo _configModifyInfo = new ModifyServiceConfigurationInfo();
         _config = _src.modifyConfiguration(_configModifyInfo);
     }catch (Exception e) {

Démarrage rapide (mode SOAP) : désactivation de la sécurité des services à l’aide de l’API Java™ quick-start-soap-mode-disabling-service-security-using-the-java-api

L’exemple de code Java™ suivant désactive la sécurité de l’exemple de service EncryptDocument et des services appelés à partir de ce service (les services Set Value et Encryption).

        * This Java Quick Start uses the following JAR files
        * 1. adobe-taskmanager-client.jar
        * 2. adobe-livecycle-client.jar
        * 3. adobe-usermanager-client.jar
        * 4. activation.jar (required for SOAP mode)
        * 5. axis.jar (required for SOAP mode)
        * 6. commons-codec-1.3.jar (required for SOAP mode)
        * 7. commons-collections-3.2.jar  (required for SOAP mode)
        * 8. commons-discovery.jar (required for SOAP mode)
        * 9. commons-logging.jar (required for SOAP mode)
        * 10. dom3-xml-apis-2.5.0.jar (required for SOAP mode)
        * 11. jaxen-1.1-beta-9.jar (required for SOAP mode)
        * 12. jaxrpc.jar (required for SOAP mode)
        * 13. log4j.jar (required for SOAP mode)
        * 14. mail.jar (required for SOAP mode)
        * 15. saaj.jar (required for SOAP mode)
        * 16. wsdl4j.jar (required for SOAP mode)
        * 17. xalan.jar (required for SOAP mode)
        * 18. xbean.jar (required for SOAP mode)
        * 19. xercesImpl.jar (required for SOAP mode)
        * The JBoss files must be kept in the jboss\client folder. You can copy the client folder to
        * your local development environment and then include the 3 JBoss JAR files in your class path
        * These JAR files are in the following path:
        * <install directory>/sdk/client-libs/common
        * The adobe-utilities.jar file is in the following path:
        * <install directory>/sdk/client-libs/jboss
        * The jboss-client.jar file is in the following path:
        * <install directory>/jboss/bin/client
        * If you want to invoke a remote Forms Server instance and there is a
        * firewall between the client application and the server, then it is
        * recommended that you use the SOAP mode. When using the SOAP mode,
        * you have to include additional JAR files in the following
        * path
        * <install directory>/sdk/client-libs/thirdparty
        * For information about the SOAP
        * mode and the additional JAR files that need to be included,
        * see "Setting connection properties" in Programming
        * with AEM Forms
 import java.util.*;

 import com.adobe.idp.dsc.clientsdk.ServiceClientFactory;
 import com.adobe.idp.dsc.clientsdk.ServiceClientFactoryProperties;
 import com.adobe.idp.dsc.registry.infomodel.ServiceConfiguration;
 import com.adobe.idp.dsc.registry.service.ModifyServiceInfo;
 import com.adobe.idp.dsc.registry.service.client.ServiceRegistryClient;

     * This Java quick start disables security from the EncryptDocument process
     * and each service that is in this process
 public class DisableSecurity{

      public static void main(String[] args) {

         //Set connection properties required to invoke AEM Forms
         Properties connectionProps = new Properties();
         connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_DEFAULT_SOAP_ENDPOINT, "https://'[server]:[port]'");
         connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_SERVER_TYPE, "JBoss");
         connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_CREDENTIAL_USERNAME, "administrator");
         connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_CREDENTIAL_PASSWORD, "password");

         //Create a ServiceRegistryClient object
         ServiceClientFactory _factory = ServiceClientFactory.createInstance(connectionProps);
         ServiceRegistryClient _src = new ServiceRegistryClient(_factory);

         //Reference the EncryptDocument process and each service that is
         //invoked from within the EncryptDocument process
         ServiceConfiguration encryptDocumentService  = _src.getHeadActiveConfiguration("EncryptDocument");
         ServiceConfiguration setValueService  = _src.getHeadActiveConfiguration("SetValue");
         ServiceConfiguration encryptionService  = _src.getHeadActiveConfiguration("EncryptionService");

         //Create a ModifyServiceInfo object
         ModifyServiceInfo si = new ModifyServiceInfo();

         //Disable security from the EncryptDocument service

         //Disable security from the SetValue service

         //Disable security from the EncryptionService

     }catch (Exception e) {

Démarrage rapide (mode SOAP) : démarrage d’un service à l’aide de l’API Java™ quick-start-soap-mode-starting-a-service-using-the-java-api

L’exemple de code Java™ suivant démarre un service nommé SendEmailService.

 package com.adobe.sample.servicemanager;

     * This Java Quick Start uses the following JAR files:
     * 1. adobe-livecycle-client.jar
     * 2. adobe-usermanager-client.jar
     * 3. adobe-workflow-client-sdk.jar
     * 4. adobe-utilities.jar
     * 5. jboss-client.jar (use a different JAR file if AEM Forms is not deployed on Jboss)
     * 6. jacorb.jar (use a different JAR file if the Forms Server is not deployed on JBoss)
     * 7. jnp-client.jar (use a different JAR file if the Forms Server is not deployed on JBoss)
 import java.util.*;
 import com.adobe.idp.dsc.clientsdk.ServiceClientFactory;
 import com.adobe.idp.dsc.registry.infomodel.ServiceConfiguration;
 import com.adobe.idp.dsc.registry.service.client.ServiceRegistryClient;

 public class StartService {

     public static void main(String[] args) {

             //Set connection properties required to invoke AEM Forms
             Properties ConnectionProps = new Properties();
             ConnectionProps.setProperty("DSC_DEFAULT_SOAP_ENDPOINT", "https://'[server]:[port]'");
             ConnectionProps.setProperty("DSC_SERVER_TYPE", "JBoss");
             ConnectionProps.setProperty("DSC_CREDENTIAL_USERNAME", "administrator");
             ConnectionProps.setProperty("DSC_CREDENTIAL_PASSWORD", "password");

             //Create a ServiceClientFactory object
             ServiceClientFactory myFactory = ServiceClientFactory.createInstance(ConnectionProps);

             //Create a ServiceRegistryClient object
             ServiceRegistryClient serviceReg = new ServiceRegistryClient(myFactory);

             //Reference the SendEmailService
             ServiceConfiguration myServiceConfig = serviceReg.getHeadActiveConfiguration("SendEmailService");

             //Start the SendEmailService

                 catch(Exception e)

Démarrage rapide (mode SOAP) : modification des valeurs de configuration d’un service à l’aide de l’API Java™ quick-start-soap-mode-modifying-a-services-configuration-values-using-the-java-api

L’exemple Java™ suivant modifie les valeurs de configuration appartenant au service SendEmail.

     * This Java Quick Start uses the following JAR files
        * 1. adobe-taskmanager-client.jar
        * 2. adobe-livecycle-client.jar
        * 3. adobe-usermanager-client.jar
        * 4. activation.jar (required for SOAP mode)
        * 5. axis.jar (required for SOAP mode)
        * 6. commons-codec-1.3.jar (required for SOAP mode)
        * 7. commons-collections-3.2.jar  (required for SOAP mode)
        * 8. commons-discovery.jar (required for SOAP mode)
        * 9. commons-logging.jar (required for SOAP mode)
        * 10. dom3-xml-apis-2.5.0.jar (required for SOAP mode)
        * 11. jaxen-1.1-beta-9.jar (required for SOAP mode)
        * 12. jaxrpc.jar (required for SOAP mode)
        * 13. log4j.jar (required for SOAP mode)
        * 14. mail.jar (required for SOAP mode)
        * 15. saaj.jar (required for SOAP mode)
        * 16. wsdl4j.jar (required for SOAP mode)
        * 17. xalan.jar (required for SOAP mode)
        * 18. xbean.jar (required for SOAP mode)
        * 19. xercesImpl.jar (required for SOAP mode)
        * The JBoss files must be kept in the jboss\client folder. You can copy the client folder to
        * your local development environment and then include the 3 JBoss JAR files in your class path
        * These JAR files are in the following path:
        * <install directory>/sdk/client-libs/common
        * The adobe-utilities.jar file is in the following path:
        * <install directory>/sdk/client-libs/jboss
        * The jboss-client.jar file is in the following path:
        * <install directory>/jboss/bin/client
        * If you want to invoke a remote Forms Server instance and there is a
        * firewall between the client application and the server, then it is
        * recommended that you use the SOAP mode. When using the SOAP mode,
        * you have to include additional JAR files in the following
        * path
        * <install directory>/sdk/client-libs/thirdparty
        * For information about the SOAP
        * mode and the additional JAR files that need to be included,
        * see "Setting connection properties" in Programming
        * with AEM Forms
 import java.util.*;
 import com.adobe.idp.dsc.clientsdk.ServiceClientFactory;
 import com.adobe.idp.dsc.registry.infomodel.ConfigParameter;
 import com.adobe.idp.dsc.registry.infomodel.ServiceConfiguration;
 import com.adobe.idp.dsc.registry.service.ModifyServiceConfigurationInfo;
 import com.adobe.idp.dsc.registry.service.client.ServiceRegistryClient;

 public class ModifyService {

     public static void main(String[] args) {

             //Set connection properties required to invoke AEM Forms
             Properties ConnectionProps = new Properties();
             ConnectionProps.setProperty("DSC_DEFAULT_SOAP_ENDPOINT", "https://'[server]:[port]'");
             ConnectionProps.setProperty("DSC_SERVER_TYPE", "JBoss");
             ConnectionProps.setProperty("DSC_CREDENTIAL_USERNAME", "administrator");
             ConnectionProps.setProperty("DSC_CREDENTIAL_PASSWORD", "password");

             //Create a ServiceClientFactory object
             ServiceClientFactory myFactory = ServiceClientFactory.createInstance(ConnectionProps);

             //Create a ServiceRegistryClient object
             ServiceRegistryClient serviceReg = new ServiceRegistryClient(myFactory);

             //Reference the SendEmailService
             ServiceConfiguration myServiceConfig = serviceReg.getHeadServiceConfiguration("SendEmailService");

             //Create a ModifyServiceConfigurationInfo object
                 ModifyServiceConfigurationInfo modService = new ModifyServiceConfigurationInfo();

             //Set configuration values required by the SendEmailService
             String serviceId = myServiceConfig.getServiceId();

             //Modify the service's configuration values

             //Conform the new configuration values
             ServiceConfiguration serviceConfig = serviceReg.getServiceConfiguration("SendEmailService",1,0);
             ConfigParameter cp = serviceConfig.getConfigParameter("smtpUser");
             String configValue = cp.getTextValue();

             catch(Exception e)

Démarrage rapide (mode SOAP) : suppression des composants à l’aide de l’API Java™ quick-start-soap-mode-removing-components-using-the-java-api

L’exemple de code Java™ suivant supprime un composant à l’aide de l’API Java™.

     * This Java Quick Start uses the following JAR files
     * 1. adobe-taskmanager-client.jar
     * 2. adobe-livecycle-client.jar
     * 3. adobe-usermanager-client.jar
     * 4. adobe-utilities.jar
     * 5. jboss-client.jar (use a different JAR file if the Forms Server is not deployed
     * on JBoss)
     * 6. commons-code-1.3.jar
     * 7. adobe-workflow-client-sdk.jar
     * 8. jacorb.jar (use a different JAR file if the Forms Server is not deployed on JBoss)
     * 9. jnp-client.jar (use a different JAR file if the Forms Server is not deployed on JBoss)
     * The JBoss files must be kept in the jboss\client folder. You can copy the client folder to
     * your local development environment and then include the 3 JBoss JAR files in your class path
     * These JAR files are in the following path:
     * <install directory>/sdk/client-libs/common
     * The adobe-utilities.jar file is in the following path:
     * <install directory>/sdk/client-libs/jboss
     * The jboss-client.jar file is in the following path:
     * <install directory>/jboss/bin/client
     * If you want to invoke a remote Forms Server instance and there is a
     * firewall between the client application and the server, then it is
     * recommended that you use the SOAP mode. When using the SOAP mode,
     * you have to include additional JAR files in the following
     * path
     * <install directory>/sdk/client-libs/thirdparty
     * For information about the SOAP
     * mode and the additional JAR files that need to be included,
     * see "Setting connection properties" in Programming
     * with AEM Forms
 import java.util.*;

 import com.adobe.idp.dsc.clientsdk.ServiceClientFactory;
 import com.adobe.idp.dsc.clientsdk.ServiceClientFactoryProperties;
 import com.adobe.idp.dsc.registry.component.client.*;
 import com.adobe.idp.dsc.registry.infomodel.Component;

 public class RemoveComponent {

     public static void main(String[] args) {

               //Set connection properties required to invoke AEM Forms
               Properties connectionProps = new Properties();
               connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_DEFAULT_SOAP_ENDPOINT, "https://'[server]:[port]'");
               connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_SERVER_TYPE, "JBoss");
               connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_CREDENTIAL_USERNAME, "administrator");
               connectionProps.setProperty(ServiceClientFactoryProperties.DSC_CREDENTIAL_PASSWORD, "password");

             //Create a ServiceClientFactory object
             ServiceClientFactory myFactory = ServiceClientFactory.createInstance(connectionProps);

             //Create a ComponentRegistryClient object
             ComponentRegistryClient    componentReg = new ComponentRegistryClient(myFactory);

             //Retrieve the Id of the component to remove from the service container
             Component myComponent = componentReg.getComponent("com.adobe.livecycle.sample.email.emailSampleComponent", "1.0");

             //Determine if the component is in a running state
             if (myComponent.getState()== Component.RUNNING)
                 //Stop the component
                 Component stoppedComponent = componentReg.stop(myComponent);

                 //Uninstall the component

             System.out.println("The component was removed.");

             catch(Exception e)