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File metadata and controls

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Visitor lifetime value

The lifetime value allows you to measure and target on a lifetime value for each Android user. The value can be used to store lifetime purchases, ad views, video completes, social shares, photo uploads, and so on.

Each time you send in a value with trackLifetimeValueIncrease, the value is added to the existing value. Lifetime value is stored on device and can be retrieved at any time by calling lifetimeValue.

Track the visitor lifetime value

  1. Add the library to your project and implement lifecycle.

    For more information, see Add the SDK and Config File to your IntelliJ IDEA or Eclipse Project in Core implementation and lifecycle.

  2. Import the library:

  3. Call trackLifetimeValueIncrease with the amount to increase the value:

    Analytics.trackLifetimeValueIncrease(BigDecimal.valueOf(5.0), null);

Send additional data

In addition to the lifetime value, you can also send additional context data with each track action call:

HashMap cdata = new HashMap<String, Object>(); 
cdata.put("myapp.ImageLiked", imageName); 
Analytics.trackLifetimeValueIncrease(BigDecimal.valueOf(5.0), cdata);

Context data values must be mapped to custom variables in Adobe Mobile services: