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This repository has been archived by the owner on Jan 26, 2024. It is now read-only.

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24 lines (17 loc) · 758 Bytes

File metadata and controls

24 lines (17 loc) · 758 Bytes

Event serialization

Event serialization is not supported by processing rules. In the Mobile SDK, you must use a special syntax in the context data parameter to set serialized events directly on the server call.

[contextData setObject:@"eventN:serial number" forKey:@"&&events"];

For example:

//create a context data dictionary 
NSMutableDictionary *contextData = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]; 
// add events 
[contextData setObject:@"event1:12341234" forKey:@"&&events"]; 
// send the tracking call - use either a trackAction or TrackState call. 
// trackAction example: 
[ADBMobile trackAction:@"action" data:contextData]; 
// trackState example: 
[ADBMobile trackState:@"State Name" data:contextData];