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Track app states

States are the different screens or views in your application. Each time a new state is displayed in your application, for example, when a user navigates from the home page to the news feed, a track state call should be sent. In iOS, a state is typically tracked in the viewDidLoad method of each view.

Tip: To track states, make a call to trackState. States are not automatically tracked.

Tracking states

  1. Add the library to your project and implement lifecycle.

    For more information, see Add the SDK and Config File to your Project in Core Implementation and Lifecycle.

  2. Import the library.

    #import "ADBMobile.h"
  3. Call trackState to send a hit for this state view.

    [ADBMobile trackState:@"Login Screen"  

In Adobe Mobile services, the State Name is reported in the View State variable, and a view is recorded for each trackState call. In other Analytics interfaces, View State is reported as Page Name, and state views is reported as page views.

Sending additional data

In addition to the State Name, you can send additional context data with each track action call:

NSMutableDictionary *contextData = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]; 
[contextData setObject:@"logged in" forKey:@"myapp.login.LoginStatus"]; 
[ADBMobile trackState:@"Home Screen" data:contextData];

Context data values must be mapped to custom variables:

App state reporting

States are typically viewed by using a pathing report so you can see how users navigate your app and which states are viewed most.

Adobe Mobile Services The View States report. This report is based on the paths that the users took through your application. A sample path is Home > Settings > Feed.
Adobe Analytics States can be viewed anywhere that Pages can be viewed, such as the Pages report, the Page Views report, and the Path report.
Ad hoc analytics States can be viewed anywhere Pages can be viewed by using the Page dimension, Page Views metric, Path reports.