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File metadata and controls

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Postbacks example

You can use this information to help you understand what postbacks are and how they work.

Caution: This example is provided for informational purposes only. The ADBMobileConfig.json file should be configured in the Adobe Mobile UI and should not be manually modified. A manually edited configuration file can be dangerous when you have remote messages configuration enabled.

ADBMobileConfig.json definition

"messages": [ 
        "messageId": "79ae37c9-89b9-465e-af7f-d3351771f1dc", 
        "template": "callback", 
        "payload": {  
            "templateurl": "{}&zip={}&c16={%sdkver%}&c27=cln,{a.PrevSessionLength}", 
            "templatebody": "c2RrdmVyPXslc2RrdmVyJX0mY2I9eyVjYWNoZWJ1c3QlfSZjbGllbnRJZD17bi5jbGllbnQuaWR9JnRzPXsldGltZXN0YW1wVSV9JnRzej17JXRpbWVzdGFtcFolfQ==", 
            "contenttype": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",  
            "timeout": 4 
        "showOffline": true, 
        "showRule": "always", 
        "endDate": 2524730400, 
        "startDate": 0, 
        "audiences": [], 
        "triggers": [ 
                "key": "pageName", 
                "matches": "eq", 
                "values": [ 

Code sample

HashMap<String, Object> contextData = new HashMap<String, Object>(); 
contextData.put("", "bob"); 
contextData.put("", "90210"); 
Analytics.trackState("MainMenu", contextData);

Because its state is "MainMenu", this tracking call triggers the above postback message. The URL will replace all template variables with values from the hit. Assuming that the user’s previous session was 132 seconds long, and that user is on Android SDK version 4.6.0, the resulting URL looks like this:,132