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14 lines (9 loc) · 780 Bytes

File metadata and controls

14 lines (9 loc) · 780 Bytes

Override the ADBMobile JSON config path

You can load a different ADBMobile JSON Config file when the application starts.

The ADBMobile overrideConfigPath:filePath method allows you to specify the path to a different ADBMobile.json configuration file when the application starts. This method must be called in the applicationDidFinishLaunchingWithOptions method, and the call must occur before any other Experience Cloud SDK call, such as collectLifecycleData.

When you call this method with a different path, a one-time override of the configuration file occurs until the application is closed.

For example:

NSString *filePath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"ExampleJSONFile" ofType:@"json"]; 
[ADBMobile overrideConfigPath:filePath];