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File metadata and controls

24 lines (15 loc) · 1.03 KB

Windows Visual Studio extensions for Experience Cloud Solutions 4.x SDK

This extension provides a much easier way to add the reference of the Experience Cloud Solutions 4.x Windows SDK in your project.

Install the library from GitHub

  1. Download the Windows Universal SDK from GitHub.
  2. Unzip the downloaded file locally.
  3. Double-click the ADBMobileUniversalWindowsVSIX.vsix file to open the installer.
  4. Select Global Location and install the library.

Add references to your project

  1. Open your Windows 10 project.

  2. Open the Reference Manager dialogue box.

  3. On the Extensions tab, locate and select Adobe Mobile SDK.

  4. Click OK to save it.

    The Adobe Mobile SDK will be added to your project. If the Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime package has not yet been added, this package will also be added to your project.

  5. In the Configuration Manager, select a a platform type and begin testing your app.