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File metadata and controls

23 lines (18 loc) · 1.05 KB

Products variable with merchandising eVars and product-specific events

Here is an example of the products variable with Merchandising eVars and product-specific events.

//create a context data dictionary 
HashMap cdata = new HashMap<String, Object>(); 
// add products, a purchase id, a purchase context data key, and any other data you want to collect. 
// Note the special syntax for products 
cdata.put("&&events", "event1"); 
cdata.put("&&products", ";Running Shoes;1;69.95;event1=5.5;eVar1=Merchandising,;Running Socks;10;29.99"); 
cdata.put("myapp.purchase", "1"); 
cdata.put("myapp.purchaseid", "1234567890"); 
// send the tracking call - use either a trackAction or TrackState call. 
// trackAction example: 
Analytics.trackAction("purchase", cdata); 
// trackState example: 
Analytics.trackState("Order Confirmation", cdata);

Tip: If you trigger a product-specific event by using the &&products variable, you must also set that event in the &&events variable. If you do not set that event, it is filtered out during processing.