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Hit batching

Hit batching allows applications that have offline tracking enabled to hold hits from being sent until the number of hits in the queue pass a configurable limit.

Important: Hit batching requires SDK version 4.1 or later.

To enable hit batching, update your ADBMobileConfig.json file and specify a value for batchLimit:

"analytics": {
    "batchLimit": 5,

When set to a number higher than 0, the SDK queues the number of hits equal to batchLimit. After this threshold is passed, all hits in the queue are sent.

The following methods are used with hit batching:

  • trackingGetQueueSize() returns an NSUInteger with the number of hits currently in the hit batching queue.
  • trackingSendQueuedHits() forces the library to send all hits in the queue no matter how many are currently queued.
  • trackingClearQueue() clears all hits from the queue without sending them.

Caution: Offline tracking must be enabled to use hit batching.