在ToDo清單中顯示其他資料 displaying-additional-data-in-todo-list

AEM 6.4已結束延伸支援,本檔案不再更新。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱 技術支援期. 尋找支援的版本 此處.

依預設,AEM Forms工作區待辦事項清單會顯示任務顯示名稱和說明。 不過,您可以新增其他資訊,例如建立日期、截止日期。 您也可以新增圖示並變更顯示的樣式。



可新增內容 what-can-be-added

您可以新增 task.json 由伺服器傳送。 資訊可以以純文字檔案形式添加,也可以使用樣式來格式化資訊。

如需JSON物件說明的詳細資訊,請參閱 文章。

顯示任務的資訊 displaying-information-on-a-task

  1. 關注 AEM Forms工作區自訂的一般步驟.

  2. 若要顯示任務的其他資訊,必須在的任務區塊中新增對應的索引鍵值組 translation.json.

    例如變更 /apps/ws/locales/en-US/translation.json 英語:

    code language-none
    "task" : {
            "reminder" : {
                "value" : "Reminder",
                "tooltip" : "This is reminder __reminderCount__, for this task."
            "deadlined" : {
                "value" : "Deadlined",
                "tooltip" : "This task has deadlined"
            "save" : {
                "message" : "Task has been saved successfully"
            "status" : {
                "deadlined" : "Deadlined",
                "created" : "Created",
                "assignedsaved" : "Draft from assigned task",
                "terminated" : "Terminated",
                "assigned" : "Assigned",
                "unknown" : "Unknown",
                "createdsaved" : "Draft from created task",
                "completed" : "Completed"
            "draft" : {
                "value" : "Saved",
                "tooltip" : "This task is marked as a draft"
            "escalated" : {
                "value" : "Escalated",
                "tooltip" : "This task has been escalated"
            "forward" : {
                "value" : "Forwarded",
                "tooltip" : "This task was forwarded"
            "priority" : {
                "highest" : "Highest priority",
                "normal" : "Normal priority",
                "high" : "High priority",
                "low" : "Low priority",
                "lowest" : "Lowest priority"
            "claimed" : {
                "value" : "Claimed",
                "tooltip" : "This task has been claimed"
            "locked" : {
                "value" : "Locked",
                "tooltip" : "This task is locked"
            "consulted" : {
                "value" : "Consulted",
                "tooltip" : "This task has been consulted"
            "returned" : {
                "value" : "Returned",
                "tooltip" : "This task was returned back"
            "multiplesubmitbuttons" : {
                "message" : "The form associated with this task has multiple submit buttons so the Workspace Complete button will be disabled. Click the appropriate button on the form to submit it."
            "nosubmitbutton" : {
                "message" : "The form associated with this task does not appear to have submit buttons. You may need to upgrade your Adobe Reader version to 9.1 or greater and enable the Reader Submit option in your process."
            "icon" : {
                "tooltip" : "open the task __taskName__"
    note note
  3. 例如,在任務塊內添加資訊:

    code language-none
    "stepname" : {
                "value" : "Step Name",
                "tooltip" : "This task belongs to __stepName__ step"

定義新屬性的CSS defining-css-for-the-new-property

  1. 您可以將樣式套用至新增至任務的資訊(屬性)。 若要這麼做,您必須為新增至的新屬性新增樣式資訊 /apps/ws/css/newStyle.css.


    code language-css
    .task .taskProperties .stepname{
        width: 25px;
        background: url(../images/stepname.png) no-repeat; /*-------- Or just reuse background image / image-sprite defined .task .taskProperties span of style.css---------------------*/
        background-position: 0px 0px; /*-------- Dummy values, need to be configured as per user background image / image-sprite ---------------------*/

在HTML範本中新增項目 adding-entry-in-the-html-template

最後,您需要在開發套件中加入要新增至任務之每個屬性的項目。 若要建立,請參閱建立AEM Forms工作區程式碼。

  1. 複製 task.html:

    • 從: /libs/ws/js/runtime/templates/
    • 至: /apps/ws/js/runtime/templates/
  2. 新增資訊至 /apps/ws/js/runtime/templates/task.html.

    例如,在下方新增 div class="taskProperties":

    code language-none
    <span class="stepname" alt="<%= $.t('task.stepname.value')%>" title = '<%= $.t("task.stepname.tooltip",{stepName:stepName})%>'/>