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Prefetch offer content in Android

The Adobe Target prefetch feature uses the Android Mobile SDKs to fetch offer content as few times as possible by caching the server responses.

This process reduces the load time, prevents multiple network calls, and allows Adobe Target to be notified which mbox was visited by the mobile app user. All content will be retrieved and cached during the prefetch call, and this content will be retrieved from the cache for all future calls that contain cached content for the specified mbox name.

Prefetch content does not persist across launches. The prefetch content is cached as long as the application lives or until the clearPrefetchCache() method is called.

Important: Target prefetch APIs have been available since SDK version 4.14.0. For more information about parameter limitations, see Batch-input-parameters.

In SDK version 4.14 or later, if specified, the environmentId is picked from the ADBMobileConfig.json file when initiating a v2 batch mbox TnT call. If no environmentId is specified in this file, no environment parameter is sent in TNT batch mbox call, and offer is delivered for the default environment.

For example:

if (MobileConfig.getInstance().mobileUsingTarget()){ 
            long environmentID = MobileConfig.getInstance().getEnvironmentID(); 
            if(environmentID != 0L){ 
                parametersJson.put(TargetJson.ENVIRONMENT_ID, environmentID); 

Pre-fetch methods

Here are the methods that you can use for prefetch in Android:

  • prefetchContent

    Sends a prefetch request with an array of locations to the configured Target server and returns the request status in the provided callback.

    • Here is the syntax for this method:

      public static void prefetchContent(
      final List<TargetPrefetchObjecttargetPrefetchArray,
      final Map<StringObjectprofileParameters,
      final TargetCallback<Booleancallback)
    • Here are the parameters for this method:

      • targetPrefetchArray

        Array of TargetPrefetchObjects that contains the name and mboxParameters for each Target location to prefetch.

      • profileParameters

        Contains the keys and values of profile parameters to be used with every location prefetch in this request.

      • callback

        Invoked when the prefetch is complete. Returns true if the prefetch was successful and false if the prefetch was unsuccesful.

  • loadRequests

    Executes a batch request for multiple mbox locations that are specified in the requests array.  Each object in the array contains a callback function, which will be invoked when content is available for its given mbox location.

    Important: If the content for the requested locations is already cached, it will be returned immediately in the provided callback. Otherwise, the SDK will send a network request to the Target servers to retrieve the content.

    • Here is the syntax for this method:

      public static void loadRequests( final List<TargetRequestObjectrequestArrayfinal Map<StringObjectprofileParameters)
    • Here are the parameters for this method:

      • requestArray

        Array of TargetRequestObjects that contains the name, default content, parameters, and callback function per location to retrieve.

      • profileParameters

        Contains keys and values of profile parameters to be used with every location prefetch in this request.

  • clearPrefetchCache

    Clears the data that was cached by Target Prefetch.

    • Here is the syntax for this method:

      public static void clearPrefetchCache();
    • There are no parameters for this method.

  • createTargetRequestObject

    Creates and returns an instance of TargetRequestObject with the provided data.

    • Here is the syntax for this method:

      public static TargetPrefetchObject createTargetRequestObject( 
      final String mboxName,
      final String defaultContent, 
      final Map<StringObjectmboxParams, 
      final Map<StringObjectorderParams, 
      final Map<StringObjectproductParams, 
      final Target.TargetCallback<Stringcallback)
  • createTargetPrefetchObject

    Creates and returns an instance of TargetPrefetchObject with the provided data.

    • Here is the syntax for this method:

      public static TargetPrefetchObject createTargetPrefetchObject( 
      final String mboxName, 
      final Map<StringObjectmboxParams) 
      final Map<StringObjectorderParamsfinal Map<StringObjectproductParams)

Public classes

Here are the public classes that support pre-fetch in Android:

Class reference: TargetPrefetchObject

Encapsulates the mbox name and the parameters that are used for mbox prefetch.

  • name

    Name of the location that will be prefetched.

    • Type: String
  • mboxParameters

    Collection of key-value pairs that will be attached as mboxParameters for this TargetPrefetchObject's request.

    • Type: Map<String, Object>
  • orderParameters

    Collection of key-value pairs that will be attached to current mbox under the order node.

    • Type: Map <String, Object>
  • productParameters

    Collection of key-value pairs that will be attached to current mbox under the product node.

    • Type: Map <String, Object>

Class reference: TargetRequestObject

This class encapsulates the mbox name, default content, mbox parameters and the return callback used for Target location requests.

  • mboxName

    Name of the requested location.

    • Type: String
  • mboxParameters

    Collection of key-value pairs that will be attached as mboxParameters for this TargetRequestObject.

    • Type: Map <String, Object>
  • orderParameters

    Collection of key-value pairs that will be attached to current mbox under the order node.

    • Type: Map <String, Object>
  • productParameters

    Collection of key-value pairs that will be attached to current mbox under the product node.

    • Type: Map <String, Object>
  • defaultContent

    String value that is returned in the callback if the SDK is unable to retrieve content from Target servers.

    • Type: String
  • callback

    Function pointer that will be called when content for the given TargetRequestObject is available.

    • Type: Target.TargetCallback<String>

Code sample

Here is an example of how to prefetch content by using the Android SDKs:

// When your app launches, prefetch the content for a list of locations. 
// Define the list of mboxes that you want to prefetch. 
List<TargetPrefetchObject> prefetchMboxesList = new ArrayList<>(); 
Map<String, Object> mboxParameters1 = new HashMap<>(); 
mboxParameters1.put("status", "platinum"); 
prefetchMboxesList.add(Target.createTargetPrefetchObject("mboxName1", mboxParameters1));

Map<String, Object> mboxParameters2 = new HashMap<>(); 
mboxParameters2.put("userType", "paid"); 
List<String> purchasedIds = new ArrayList<String>(); 
Map<String, Object> orderParameters2 = new HashMap<>(); 
orderParameters2.put("id", "ADCKKIM"); 
orderParameters2.put("total", "344.30"); 
orderParameters2.put("purchasedProductIds",  purchasedIds); 
Map<String, Object> productParameters2 = new HashMap<>(); 
productParameters2.put("id", "24D3412"); 
prefetchMboxesList.add(Target.createTargetPrefetchObject("mboxName2", mboxParameters2, orderParameters2, productParameters2));

// Define the profile parameters map. 
Map<String, Object> profileParameters = new HashMap<>(); 
profileParameters.put("ageGroup", "20-32");

// Define the target callback for the prefetch call status. 
Target.TargetCallback<Boolean> prefetchStatusCallback = new Target.TargetCallback<Boolean>() { 
    public void call(final Boolean status) { 
        // check the returned status for the prefetch call 

// Call the prefetchContent API. 
Target.prefetchContent(prefetchMboxesList, profileParameters, prefetchStatusCallback);

// When the content is required, you can initiate the locations request. 
// Define the list of target request objects. 
List<TargetRequestObject> locationRequests = new ArrayList<>(); 
Target.TargetCallback<String> callback1 = new Target.TargetCallback<String>() { 
    public void call(final String content) { 
        // check the returned content for mboxName1. 
locationRequests.add(Target.createTargetRequestObject("mboxName1", "defaultContent1", mboxParameters1, callback1));

Target.TargetCallback<String> callback2 = new Target.TargetCallback<String>() { 
    public void call(final String content) { 
        // check the returned content for mboxName2. 
locationRequests.add(Target.createTargetRequestObject("mboxName2", "defaultContent2", mboxParameters2, orderParameters2, productParameters2, callback2)); 
// Call the loadRequests API. 
Target.loadRequests(locationRequests, profileParameters); 

Additional information

Here is some additional information about these samples:

  • ProductParameters only allows the following keys:

    • id
    • categoryId
  • OrderParameters only allows the following keys:

    • id
    • total
    • purchasedProductIds
  • purchasedProducts accepts an ArrayList of strings.