Uses of Class

Packages that use InvalidItemStateException
javax.jcr Provides interfaces and classes for the Content Repository for Java Technology. 

Uses of InvalidItemStateException in javax.jcr

Methods in javax.jcr that throw InvalidItemStateException
 void Workspace.restore(Version[] versions, boolean removeExisting)
          Restores a set of versions at once.
          Validates all pending changes currently recorded in this Session.
 Version Node.checkin()
          Creates a new version with a system generated version name and returns that version (which will be the new base version of this node).
 void Node.doneMerge(Version version)
          Completes the merge process with respect to this node and the specified version.
 void Node.cancelMerge(Version version)
          Cancels the merge process with respect to this node and specified version.
 void Node.update(java.lang.String srcWorkspaceName)
          If this node does have a corresponding node in the workspace srcWorkspaceName, then this replaces this node and its subtree with a clone of the corresponding node and its subtree.
 NodeIterator Node.merge(java.lang.String srcWorkspace, boolean bestEffort)
          This method can be thought of as a version-sensitive update (see 7.1.7 Updating and Cloning Nodes across Workspaces in the specification).
 void Node.restore(java.lang.String versionName, boolean removeExisting)
          Restores this node to the state defined by the version with the specified versionName.
 void Node.restore(Version version, java.lang.String relPath, boolean removeExisting)
          Restores the specified version to relPath, relative to this node.
 void Node.restoreByLabel(java.lang.String versionLabel, boolean removeExisting)
          Restores the version of this node with the specified version label.
 Lock Node.lock(boolean isDeep, boolean isSessionScoped)
          Places a lock on this node.
 void Node.unlock()
          Removes the lock on this node.
          Validates all pending changes currently recorded in this Session that apply to this Item or any of its descendants (that is, the subtree rooted at this Item).
 void Item.refresh(boolean keepChanges)
          If keepChanges is false, this method discards all pending changes currently recorded in this Session that apply to this Item or any of its descendants (that is, the subtree rooted at this Item)and returns all items to reflect the current saved state.

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