Create custom date ranges

Create custom date ranges in Analysis Workspace, and save them as Time components.

Components > New Date Range

A date range applies at the panel level. To add a date range to your project, click Panels > <select panel>, and specify a new date range.

Date range for “two months ago” section_C4109C57CB444BB2A79CC8082BD67294

The following custom date range shows a date range for “two months ago,” with a Summary Change visualization showing directional change.

The custom date range is displayed at the top of the Date Range component panel in your project:

You can drag this custom date range into a column alongside a custom, monthly rolling date range using the Last Month preset for a comparison. Add a Summary Change visualization and select the totals from each column to show directional change:

Use a 7-day rolling date range section_7EF63B2E9FF54D2E9144C4F76956A8DD

A date range applies to the panel level. To add a date range to your project, click Actions > Add Panel, and specify a new date range.

In the Date Range Builder, you can create a custom date range that displays in the Components panel with other date ranges.

For example, you can create a date range that specifies a 7-day rolling window that ends one week ago:

Use rolling daily.

  • The Start settings would be current day minus 14 days.

  • The End settings would be current day minus 7 days.

This date range can be a component that you drag onto any freeform table.
